Converge Networks & IP Telephony
Most communication carriers in the Philippines (telephone, cable, ISPs and competetive Local Exchange Carriers) are rebuilding or have already built their backbone infrastructure to accomodate the integration of voice, data and video over one common backbone. iMax refers to these networks as multimedia networks. The converge of data, voice and video applications over a common access line to feed these network backbones is the single largest opportunity facing the telecoms industry globally and in the Philippines. With the efficienciecs and unparalleled opportunity to offer advanced services and the market's need to tap int such offerings, multimedia technologies and solutions will serve as the key for full deployment of convergent networks.
IP telephony is considered the next-generation solution for communications infrastructure. To support an IP telephony solution, the enterprise network must be a multi-service network -- a network on which voice, video, and data can coexist over a single IP-based infrastructure. For IP telephony, enterprises can choose to continue to use existing telephony equipment and migrate to IP telephony over time at a pace that makes sense for them, with minimal disruption. Alternatively, they may choose to replace the existing telephony equipment with IP telephony products.