IMAX Technologies designs total end-to-end customer solutions recommending complementary networking technology, communications carrier and service support partners. IMAX also designs both public and private network solutions. Some of the access and edge products that IMAX deploys today are :

Network Design and Installation
IMAX Technologies designs total end-to-end customer solutions recommending complementary data networking technology, communications carrier and service support partner.

System Integrator
IMAX Technologies deploys a complete solution by utilizing partners that have vertical market knowledge and skills.

Subsidiary Services
IMAX Technologies through its subsidiary, IMAX Manpower and Building Management (IMAX-MBM) is also engaged in proving human resources for the building management industry.
IP is now the network service of choice in the Philippines. With its strategic partnership with some of the most trusted companies in the industry, IMAX is well positioned to provide the products and services for this emerging technology.